Year 9 Speech Finals 2020, 30 June 2020

On Tuesday 30 June, 2020 we held the Year 9 Speech Final in the wonderful Champagnat Auditorium. Each of our Year 9 English classes was represented by three finalists.

Every finalist had prepared a speech to deliver to the junior school. The speeches were delivered with dignity and courage and were warmly received by the audience. The themes of the speeches resonated with staff and students alike.

Headmaster Fouhy congratulated the speakers on their oratory skills and their school spirit.

Thanks to our adjudicators: Ms Kath Twomey (School Librarian) and Gabriel Sangalang (Academic Prefect).

Thanks to our School Prefects who led us in prayer and emceed the event.

I would like to acknowledge all the finalists. We are very proud of you all.

Best wishes for a happy and safe holiday.

Ms Brenda Haybittle

HOD English Dept