
The College uniform is to be clean, washed and pressed. Rips and tears should be seen to and fixed. The uniform should be worn correctly and all students are expected to behave as ambassadors for the College at all times. 

  • Terms 1 and 4 - For all students in Years 7–10, it is compulsory to wear black roman sandals or black leather shoes with school socks. For Year 11–13 students it is compulsory to wear black dress socks. For Year 7–10 school jumpers are compulsory and Year 11–13 school blazers are compulsory. Ties are compulsory for all students.
  • Terms 2 and 3 - Year 7–10 black roman sandals are not permitted. It is compulsory for the seniors (Year 11–13) to attend school wearing the school blazer. It is compulsory for the juniors (Year 7–10) to attend school wearing the school jumper. Ties are compulsory. 
  • Regulated school socks must be appropriate in size and length (must cover the calf muscles).
  • Hair must be neatly cut and off the collar.
  • Hair should be no shorter than a number 2 from side to back and haircut should be blended in evenly.
  • For culturally long hair, permission must be sought from the Headmaster. It must always be tied up.
  • Hair colouring is not permitted. 
  • Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, dreadlocks, mohawks, mullets, rats-tails, horse-tails, burst fades or any hairstyles that draw attention to the student. 
  • Sideburns must not extend beyond the earlobe. 
  • Students are to be clean shaven at all times and any form of make-up is not permitted.
  • Jewelry of any type is not permitted to be worn at school. This includes, but is not limited to: studs, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. Cultural exceptions with the permission of the Headmaster. A watch is permitted. 
  • Anything other than the uniform listed above as purchased from the official uniform shop will not be acceptable.
  • T-shirts are not permitted to be worn underneath the uniform. Students are permitted to wear a low-neck singlet that is not visible, if needed.
  • The correct PE uniform should be worn for sport.
  • Graffiti or offensive coverings of any item of uniform or equipment, including folders, books, diaries, masks, and bags will be asked to be removed. 

Behaviour & Discipline 

St ¸£ÀûÔÚÏßÊÓƵ’s College expects students to always conduct themselves in a way that will bring credit to themselves, their families and the College community.

  • In keeping with the Catholic Marist character of the College, students are expected to adhere to the College rules at all times and treat others with respect. 
  • Students are expected to respect College property.
  • Students must be on time, ready to learn, and with all the correct equipment.
  • Student behaviour in public, while on buses and trains, at bus stops/train stations is to be orderly and dignified.
  • School rules apply while students are in school uniform.
  • Students who misbehave in public, on public transport or damage property, risk being removed and reported to the College.
  • Restorative practices are used in all dealings with students and their families. This does not negate the disciplinary process which the student is subject to for breaching the rules of the College.


It is compulsory that all students attend school every day. The expectation is that students maintain a 95% attendance rate. If your son is unable to attend school due to medical or otherwise justified reason, a parent must contact the school and leave the NAME, YEAR LEVEL of the student and the REASON for their absence.

Please contact the Attendance Officer on (09) 376 1287 (Dial 1 for Absence Line) or email [email protected].

Please be aware that parents will receive a text for lateness and absence, irrespective of whether a reason was provided. This is standard practice and allows both parents and staff to keep track of our young men’s attendance to support academic achievement. The school operates a withdrawal system which works as a supportive measure to pastorally support our students. 

Student Leave

The College expects family trips to be taken in the school holidays. However, if it necessary for the student to be away for an extended period of time (more than two school days) in term time, an application for leave must be made in writing by the parents to the Headmaster outlining “reasons for travel in school time” and “expected date of return” two weeks in advance. Email: [email protected]

If you have any concerns, please contact Mika Taito, Deputy Headmaster – Pastoral & Operations.

For information on the start and end dates of each term click HERE.

Prohibited Substances

The possession and/or use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs (illicit, synthetic, over the counter, party drugs, etc), vaping, solvents or other substances in the classrooms, on the school grounds, while wearing school uniform or not, or at school functions (cultural, social or sporting) is prohibited.  

Forbidden Articles & Items

The following articles/items are not to be brought to school under any circumstances:

  • any form of chewing gum
  • dangerous weapons/instruments
  • guns, imitation guns, water pistols, water bombs
  • matches, lighters, fireworks
  • objectionable/pornographic material in any form (paper and/or electronic)
  • skateboards, roller blades, etc

Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices

Cell phones and other electronic devices (that are not required for study) are to be turned off before entering the school grounds until the end of the school day. They are not to be used during break times or in between classes. If they are seen to be used during school time, the devices will be confiscated. Parents will be required to pick them up from the Deputy Headmaster – Pastoral & Operations, the Dean of Student Welfare or their representative. St ¸£ÀûÔÚÏßÊÓƵ’s College takes no responsibility for such items. In cases of serious misconduct on the part of a student, the College retains the right to hold the devices until such time as deemed appropriate. Cell phones may be used to contact home in case of an emergency, however the student must make this phone call at the attendance office. 

Headphones, Earphones, Speakers

These items are not permitted at school. Items will be confiscated and will require collection by a parent. Parents will be required to pick them up from the Deputy Headmaster – Pastoral & Operations or the Dean of Student Welfare. St ¸£ÀûÔÚÏßÊÓƵ’s College takes no responsibility for such items. 

Confiscation of Items/Non-Regulation Uniform Items

If non-regulation uniform items, including caps, jewelry, T-shirts, etc are worn to school, or if forbidden articles are brought to school, staff may confiscate the item. Parents will be required to pick them up from the Deputy Headmaster – Pastoral & Operations or the Dean of Student Welfare. St ¸£ÀûÔÚÏßÊÓƵ’s College takes no responsibility for such items.

Student Use of Cars

Where a student drives a vehicle to school, they must not park it in the school grounds. They bring their vehicle to school at their own risk. Students are reminded of the conditions associated with the type of license they hold. They will not carry passengers on a Restricted License or they will meet all obligations/requirements as per their level of license. They must obtain permission from a Deputy Headmaster to go to their vehicle during the school day. Vehicle registration, license details and parental permission must be submitted to the Deputy Headmaster prior to driving a vehicle to school. They are to respect the privacy of the residents when parking on side streets and act responsibly at all times - no loud music, no littering, no shouting out or remaining on these side streets for lengths of time. The parking space is used to park your vehicle, attend school and at the end of the school day to drive out of the area without disturbing the residents.