Nau mai haere mai e te wh膩nau.
T膿n膩 koutou katoa
E ng膩 mana nui o te rau h墨h墨
E ng膩 reo motoi kura o te rau h膩h膩
Ko ng膩 huia kaimanawa o te Kura Hato P膩ora
Kei ng膩 wh膩nau katoa
Kei ng膩 kaiako katoa
Kei te tumuaki me te r艒p奴 rangatira
Kei ng膩 r艒p奴 whakahaere katoa
T膿n膩 r膩 koutou katoa
Ko Rangimarie Fiu t艒ku ingoa
He Kaiako Whakaako i Te Reo M膩ori ahau
We have had a great start to implementing Te Reo M膩ori as an option class for our Year 7-9 students. The Achievement Objectives and Learning Intentions we are focusing on this term are as follows:
1.4 communicate about personal information, such as [their] name, parents’ and grandparents’ names
2.1 communicate about relationships between people
Learning Intentions:
- Recognise, understand, and use familiar words about ourselves and our wh膩nau
- Recognise, understand, and use short phrases about ourselves and our wh膩nau
- Ask and answer simple questions about another person’s wh膩nau
How can I help my child at home:
You can help your child by listening to him as he practises his reo out loud. Repetition of ng膩 kupu hou (vocabulary) is best learnt when we korero with others. Karawhiua - Give it a go!
Titiro whakamuri kia anga whakamua - Look to the past to inform the future