
Service News 30 June 2022

Jariyus Mauai-Makatuki is a Year 7 student who has been completing a variety of service in the community so far this year. He has helped with maintenance at his local church in Te Ata Tu as well as assisting with jobs at the Grey Lynn community law office and the Waitakere Football Club. 

Septimus Leaoa, a Year 7 student, donated his time weeding and tree planting at Flanshaw School. 

Benjamin Turner is a Year 8 student who has donated his time waterblasting at the Point Way's Pony Club as well as tree planting at a park in Papakura. 

The Sului brothers, Enoka and Feata, who have volunteered their time at a Vaccination Pop-Up with the Pasifika Family Health Group. They have also been preparing food packages for those who received vaccinations. 

And Niufakaola Maoate, who has completed an astounding 45 hours of service, helping his local marae with the COVID response. 

These boys are only a few of the great St 福利在线视频's students doing great work in their respective communities. Awesome work, boys. More than St 福利在线视频's students, you're St 福利在线视频's men.

Septimus (Rotated)

