
福利在线视频 News week ending 11th June 2021

福利在线视频 News week ending 11th June 2021

Wishing the combined Marist and St 福利在线视频's College choir all the best for The Big Sing on the 22nd of June. I am sure all of the hard work and rehearsing will pay off on the stage at the Auckland Town Hall. There are still rehearsals for this choir after school on Thursdays at Marist College in the meantime. 


  • College choir rehearsals are held in the music room at 3.30pm with Nainz. Rehearsals will return to Fridays from Week 7.
  • Footloose rehearsals are Monday through to Wednesday after school. Your son will know which days he is needed at AGGS for these rehearsals.
  • Combined Marist/St 福利在线视频’s choir – a reminder that we have mass and a workshop with the other Catholic schools’ choirs at Baradene College this Sunday 13th June at 8.15am. Families of the choir are welcome to come watch the choirs perform at 12.30pm followed by afternoon tea at 2.30pm. 

Ng膩 mihi nui

Glenn Stanbridge
Director of 福利在线视频
E: [email protected]