The Junior Choir has seen an impressive level of commitment from our young men. Well done.
A reminder that Choir rehearsals are held every Tuesday at 8am in the College Chapel.
Concert Band rehearsals are held each Wednesday starting at 7:30am in the 福利在线视频 Room.
All instrumental music lesson times as per the latest timetable which will have been sent out to parents. Your son also has access to the latest timetable which is on the 福利在线视频 Room window. It is your son's responsibility to be at his lesson at the correct time and place.
All year 7 & 8 students are expected to submit their video rehearsal diary log by Thursday night of each week. This is a short snippet of each instrumental student's home practice.
"Practice makes permanent".
Ng膩 mihi nui
Glenn Stanbridge
Director of 福利在线视频