During lockdown, all curriculum music classes are happening on Zoom. If your son is taking music, he is expected to attend these classes as per the regular school timetable.
- Year 7 & 8 rehearsal diary videos due each Thursday. This week's challenge is for your son to teach you to play a tune on his instrument and to add a video of this to the assignment portal on Google Classroom. Please disinfect the mouthpiece before playing your son's instrument though.
- Year 9 and 10 performance assessments are due week 6. Video files are to be submitted through Google Classroom assignment portal.
- NCEA music all have their first of two performance assessment concerts in class on the first Tuesday and Wednesday back at school. All seniors are to be ready for this.
- Concert Band and Choir rehearsals are postponed until further notice.
Most Itinerant music lessons are happening on Zoom. If you have any questions about this please let me know.
Lockdown creates a perfect opportunity for our young men to practice their instruments more than normal. If you are not hearing your son practice, please ask him why not.
Nga mihi nui
Mr Glenn Stanbridge
Director of 福利在线视频