Welcome to music for Term 3.
A reminder to all parents of the following:
- Concert Band rehearses on Tuesdays at 7:45am in the music room.
- Combined Choir rehearses on Tuesdays after school until 5:30pm at Marist College. Note that there is no practice this coming Tuesday, 2nd August. Rehearsals recommence on August 9th.
- Itinerant music lessons are on as per the timetable, which is on your son's instrumental Google Classroom, as well as on the music room noticeboard.
- Brass and woodwind students are reminded to bring their instrument and music on the days they need them. Also students need to take their instruments home to practice.
- NCEA 福利在线视频 students need to complete ALL of their assessments by the end of this term.
If you are not hearing your son practice regularly at home, please ask him why.
Feel free to contact Mr Stanbridge if you have any questions.