
福利在线视频 12 August 2022

It was wonderful to have the mass band accompany our school singing at the school mass last Thursday. As always, I am encouraged and uplifted by the wonderful singing from the young men of St 福利在线视频's. It really is a special and unique aspect to the culture of our college. 

All NCEA music students are reminded that the remainder of their assessments are due by the end of this term. Please check with your son that he is on track with his performance and composition assessments. 

  • For all students who are part of the college concert band, please remember that rehearsals are every Tuesday morning at 7:45am in the music room. It has been wonderful to see a few new students join this group. Please talk to Miss Kim, Mr Thomas, or myself if you would like more information about the concert band.
  • Combined Choir rehearses every Tuesday after school until 5:30pm at Marist College.
  • All instrumental music students are reminded that they are expected to attend their weekly itinerant music lessons. The timetable is on the music room window as well as in the instrumental Google Classrooms.
  • Students are reminded to take their personal musical instruments home after their lessons each week to practice. Currently there are a lot of instruments being left in the music room.

Parents, if you are not hearing your son practicing his instrument at home, please ask him why not!