14 - 20 September 2020
"Mo te wiki nei, kua timata matou ko nga kaiako i tetahi rautaki kia whakato te reo maori i to tatou nei kura ma etahi akoranga reo maori. ko te whainga nui mo matou nga kaiako ka whakaako etahi o matou i te reo maori ki a koutou nga whanau whanui hei kapohia tatou he wa tuku reo, ahakoa te uauatanga kua rere ake nei i te ao katoa. Ahakoa te aha, Me mau tatou i to tatou reo rangatira, me nga ahurea, nga matapono tika i tuku iho. Huro te wiki nei"
For this week, we, the staff, have started some Reo lessons so that we can achieve the goal of capturing a Maori language moment here at SPL. Although there have been some challenges out in the wider community let us all celebrate and stick to the language, cultures and values handed down to us. Let us give thanks.
L-R: Ms Stevens, Mr Stanbridge, Matua Rewa (tutor), Mr Li, Laura Schryvers, Mr Schryvers
For more information - check out the website