
Merit Endorsements 2021

NCEA Level 1 and 2 Endorsed with Merit

During the last two chapel assembly, the college honoured students who gained NCEA Level 1 and 2 Endorsed with Merit. These were the students who gained 44 credits at the Merit level in Year 11 and 12 last year. Congratulations and well done. The students were presented with a certificate during the assembly.

As a college, we thank all the families for your significant role and contribution to your son’s academic achievement. We know these things don’t just happen. Parent support and involvement are vital in a child’s education, so thank you families for your contribution. 

Year 13 Students who gained NCEA Level 2 with Merit Endorsement
AJ, Junior, Dariyus, Jaxon, Saints, Alamoni
In Absentia: Levron, Wesley, Roman, Jessiah, Manako, Jaydee

Year 12 Students who gained NCEA Level 1 with Merit Endorsement Merit2
Byron, Sio, Malachi, Freedom, Nathan, Enoka
In Absentia: Ulaiasi, Renel, Atelea