
House Events & Points Graph, 27th July 2020

We have four events coming up this term...

Term 3 2020

Year 7-10 Cross Country will be held on Thursday 6th August during periods 5 & 6. The course will be 3.5 km long. Points will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in year group and lowest cumulative finishers for each house.

EVENTS 2 - 4
Dodgeball will be played in the Br Anselm Hall at lunchtime: 

  • Year 9 will be on Thursday 20th August
  • Year 10 will be on Friday 21st August
  • Seniors will be on Friday 28th August

 Mr Michael Jarvis
Transition Dean / HOD Physical Education / House Systems Co-ordinator / Rugby Administrator