
Champagnat Day 2022

Celebrating Our Annual Feast Day Mass

Last Friday we celebrated our annual Feast Day mass at the Cathedral of St Patrick and St Joseph. This year was especially notable as it marks the 150th anniversary of Marist presence in Australasia. It was a delight to hear our young men once again fill the Cathedral with song and celebration after having missed so many school masses and liturgies over the past year. Our brand new Bishop, Stephen Lowe, celebrated the mass, and it was a pleasure to share our rich school culture with him. 

This year we commissioned twelve Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Justin B, Percyis M, Johanas S, Jessiah T, Salesi T, Nathan D, Talifekau S, Titus T, Michel T, Seth M, Falakiko S and Maselino V. Bishop Steve prayed over each one and gifted them a special cross as a symbol of their service and the importance of their role.

We also appointed two additional prefects for 2022: Saints Tuitama and DeAngeli Pua. These young men were joined by their families as the Bishop prayed a special blessing to conclude the mass. We look forward to seeing how these two young men will lead within the College in the coming terms. 

Of particular note this year was the music provided by Mr Stanbridge and the mass band. It seems that every year our mass band takes things up a notch, and this year was perhaps the best example of this so far. Led by the voices of Genesis and Revelation Tagaloa and Josiah Vaái-Tupaí, the post-communion hymn 'Total Praise' was especially good, and really set a high bar for future liturgical music at St 福利在线视频's College. I'd also like to take the time to acknowledge Viliami Vaái-Tupaí for leading the mass band so professionally.

After mass the College made our way to Aotea Square for lunch, followed by a viewing of "Jurassic World: Dominion", which proved to be a popular choice with our young men - thanks Mr Simento. 

I would also like to thank all of our guests for sharing in our special day, and the St 福利在线视频's staff for their invaluable help in making the day run smoothly.
