Community Service 29 November 2024

Celebrating Service in Action – He Mahi Rangatira

At St Ƶ's College, we take immense pride in our students’ dedication to serving the community, embodying the Marist value of Community Service – He Hapori Tautoko. This year, our tauira have demonstrated their commitment to uplifting others through acts of kindness, generosity, and teamwork. From supporting local food banks to participating in neighborhood clean-ups, our young men are living out the call to be ngā ringa raupā of their communities.

Through their efforts, they have not only strengthened the bonds within their neighborhoods but also grown as individuals, embracing the spirit of manaakitanga. Together, they reflect the values we hold dear at St Ƶ’s – servant leadership, compassion, and the pursuit of excellence.

Mā te mahi tahi, ka eke. Mālō le soifua and kia kaha to all our tauira for their inspiring efforts!

Marist Rugby League Club Open Day
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Breast Cancer Street Appeal
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