It's been a really busy start to Term 4 in the library, kicking off with the SP Spelling Bee, consisting of three rounds of twenty words, over three lunch breaks.
Congratulations to our winner, Hugo Lloyd from Year 10, and our runner-ups Christian Fa'aui, Matthew Blanch, Peter Creevey, Ardyn McCarthy and Diego Osikai.
A huge thanks to Finn Lloyd and Neil Fernandes for reading out the words and definitions.
Three of our enthusiastic Year 9 students, Christian, Augustine and Liam, dedicated weeks of lunchtimes to complete a 1000 piece jigsaw.
We were thrilled when at last it was completed, less three missing pieces, and they have already started on another jigsaw. Watch this space!
As a thank you to all our wonderful Student Librarians, we enjoyed sharing a morning tea together, and a hit with plastic golf clubs and balls around the library. The students have all worked so hard in helping run the library throughout 2024, and have formed a close-knit bond sharing their love of reading and serving the school.
As Martin Luther King, Jr. stated “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.”
Ngؤپ mihi nui, Rebecca