It was a privilege to gather as one school community to begin the Easter Triduum with a whole school Mass on Holy Thursday, celebrated by our Chaplain Fr. Glenford Lowe. The three holy days that make up the Triduum are, the Lord's supper on Holy Thursday, the crucifixion on Good Friday and the resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday. All three triduum are in essence one day rolling out the Paschal Mystery of our faith. The Easter Triduum is the summit of the liturgical year and what a peak with the glorious resurrection of our Lord, which we celebrate through the season of Easter.
Thank you to families who have already registered for our Sacramental programme this year. Last Monday's Gospel reading was the account on the road to Emmaus. In this story Jesus draws near to some of his followers, accompanies them with their confusion and unlocks scripture with them. It is only in the breaking of the bread that his followers truly recognise who Jesus is. It is through the Sacraments of the Eucharist that we are able to break bread with Jesus and draw closer to knowing and imitating him. If your son has not received his First Communion in the Catholic faith, we are open to all enrolled at St Ƶ's to do this. Please follow the link in the email sent you last week to register. Registrations close on Friday 29th April.
Some of our Year 13 students attended a Diocesan leadership event last week. ‘Praise and Pizza’ was a great opportunity for student leaders across the Diocese to join together and celebrate our shared faith and mission. Student leaders represented the college excellently, showing the face of Christ and Champagnat spirit to all. Confortare esto vir!
Ki te wairua o whānaungatanga,
Kirstie Wearmouth