Literacy and Numeracy Years 10 & 11

In 2024, we are offering the Literacy and Numeracy co-requisites to students in Years 10 and Year 11. This is a new requirement needed to gain NCEA Levels 1-3. There will be two opportunities for assessment this year (May and September), with further opportunities every year until each student successfully achieves Literacy and Numeracy. Please note that some students successfully completed these assessments in 2023 when they were in Year 10.

The diagram below shows the structure of the new Level 1 NCEA qualification and how the co-requisites fit within the overall qualification.

The structure of the qualification: 

  • Minimum of 80 credits for each Certificate, including
    • 60 credits at a level or above
    • 10 credit te reo matatini or literacy co-requisite required for any level. 
    • 10 credit te pāngarau | numeracy co-requisite required for any level. 

If you have any questions about NCEA credits offered at Year 10, please do not hesitate to contact your son’s subject teacher or me.  

Thank you
Mr M. Prasad