Careers/Gateway/STAR 10 March 2023

University of Auckland Engineering Tour

Tuesday 4 April 2023 – Group A: 10.30 -11.30am; Group B: 2.00 -3.00pm; Group C: 4.00 -5.00pm

Location: The Faculty of Engineering, University of Auckland, Building 405, 20 Symonds Street (Grafton Road entrance), Auckland

Please book a spot for every attendee. There will be a three spot limit per student and their whānau to ensure as many eligible students as possible can attend the tours.

Led by our current students, this 1-hour tour will take students and their whānau to: 

  • Meet and interact with current engineering students and gain insights into their experience in studying Engineering
  • Explore our state-of-the-art engineering facilities, including our lecture theatres, multi-disciplinary learning spaces, and our social and study areas

to reserve your place

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students

  • MoneyHub has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2024.
  • to read the guide. 
  • The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students.
  • A list of privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list.
  • Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available.
  • MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success. 

Directory of Student Jobs

MoneyHub has updated its comprehensive directory of student jobs. With 50+ well-known employers listed and links to their student job application details, getting a part-time job is a lot easier with this guide: . 

Like our scholarship page, this guide is free to use, download and take action on. We have published a number of tips for job application success as well as a CV guide and interview tips, designed to make the application process less stressful for students.

NCEA Resources

MoneyHub has 10+ NCEA resources to help everyone attain merits and excellences — and prepare for upcoming internals and externals with confidence.  

Explaining Apprenticeships 

MoneyHub has a must-read guide that explains apprenticeships. If you're interested in learning a trade, this page is for you.