¸£ÀûÔÚÏßÊÓƵ 18 November 2022

Our college concert band played at the new parent evening on the 3rd of November and this was a wonderful experience where we got to hear the band for the first time in over two years. The improvement in the quality was wonderful to hear and this came down to the hard work of Miss Kim and Mr Thomas, as well as the commitment and practice from the young men in this band.

A reminder that the concert band is rehearsing every Tuesday through the final week of school. Rehearsals are at 7.45am in the college music room.

If your son would like to be involved in the combined choir between Marist College and St ¸£ÀûÔÚÏßÊÓƵ's for 2023, new members will be welcome, as will all returning choir students. Rehearsals are after school each Tuesday at Marist College. Rehearsals will restart in February and the choir will be competing in The Big Sing at the Auckland Town Hall in June. 

A reminder to all performance music students that daily practice is the key to success in instrumental music. If you are not hearing your son practice at home, please ask him why not.